Lasting Answers for Time & Eternity to Life’s Most Important Issues
Look up the Scripture and fill in the blanks (Be sure to use the Authorized Version KJV)
1. In I Tim. 2:1, 2 God specifically instructs believers to pray…”for _________ that are in _________________.” 2. v. 2 tells us why…”that we may lead a __________ and _________ life in all ____________ and ______________.” 3. In Matt. 28:18 Jesus said, “All ________ is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” 4. In Rom. 13:1 we find…”For there is no ___________ but of God; the powers that be are ____________ of _________.” 5. Rom. 13:3a …”rulers are not a terror to __________ __________, but to the ____________.” 6. Rom. 13:4a …”For he (the person, ruler, in power, authority) is the ____________ of ________ to thee for good.”…”But if thou do that which is ___________, be __________; for he is the ______________ of God, a ____________ to __________ __________ upon him that doeth ___________.” 7. QUESTIONS? In Gen. 18:21…What kind of men are we to place in the position of RULERS and JUDGES?
• ABLE MEN – One who has proven his ability in the leadership of his family, work, vocation of life, able to lead, accomplish, and take personal responsibility. • FEAR GOD – One who recognizes his ultimate accountability to God; who is under the authority of God in his own personal life. • MEN OF TRUTH – A man of integrity whose word can be trusted, not a deceiver in word or deed, honest. • HATING COVETOUSNESS – He must never be influenced by the prospect of financial gain in his rulings. He must never compromise right principles by receiving bribes, gifts, or other wrong compensation. He must be above reproach in financial dealings. • “OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE” – not a professional politician. He must be one who is out of all the people; who is among the common, ordinary citizens, who sees himself as a servant leader.
8. Now…go to Deut. 1:13-17
1. List who were to be emplaced as rulers and officers: _____________ _____________ _____________ 2. They were to “___________ the causes”,” and judge _______________” (v.16) 3. (v.17) A judge…”shall not ____________ persons in judgement”…”but ye shall hear the __________ as well as the great.” 4. IMPORTANT! (v.17) “Ye shall not be ______________ of the ___________ of ___________” (why is this stressed as important?)
9. In God’s eyes what are Judges, Rulers, and Officers? See Rom. 13:4 10. Read Deut. 16:18, 19. List 3 things Judges and officers shall not do!
Lasting Answers for Time & Eternity to Life’s Most Important Issues Look up the Scripture and fill in the blanks (Be sure to use the Authorized Version KJV) 1. The Bible describes many different types of hearts and heart conditions a person may...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Lasting Answers for Time & Eternity to Life’s Most Important Issues Look up the Scripture and fill in the blanks (Be sure to use the Authorized Version KJV) 1. Find the last verse in the Old Testament, Mal. 4:6 “And he shall ________ the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Lasting Answers for Time & Eternity to Life’s Most Important Issues Look up the Scripture and fill in the blanks (Be sure to use the Authorized Version KJV) 1. “Anger rests in the bosom of _______________? (Ecc. 7:9) 2. An angry man stirreth up...[ abbreviated | read entire ]