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Hackberry House of Chosun
Bob Faulkner  |  Niles, Illinois
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Jesus and Muhammad: Conclusion
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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40. Conclusion.

The book of Hebrews says it best. Though the writer of that New Testament masterpiece does not compare Jesus to Muhammad, he compares him to beings greater than Muhammad. The Arabian leader would certainly agree that angels are at a higher level than himself.

But Jesus is exalted above the angels. Never did an angel hear, "My son," addressed to him. Jesus did. Never was worship directed by God to an angel. But the angels are to worship the Son. No angel is given an eternal throne, but the Son is. No angel was involved in creation, but the Son was.

If Jesus is greater than angels, and angels, including Gabriel, are greater than Muhammad, the logic is inescapable... Though Islam's revelation makes Jesus just another man, like Muhammad, to whom many "God" things happened, the revelation of the Holy Spirit says that Jesus is God, and thus "better."

Hebrews goes on to say that Jesus' priesthood is better than Aaron's. That His New Covenant is better than the old one called the law. That His sanctuary, His own person, is better than the old Tabernacle or Temple. That His sacrifice is better than the animal sacrifices. He's just better.

And again I want to stress, as I did early on, that Jesus is the Last Prophet. This is the year of the Lord, as even our calendars attest. The great millennial day of the Lord follows soon, but we are now in the days the prophets saw of Jesus coming. In their prophecies, they saw first and second coming at the same time and wrapped it all together as one day.

Example: (Isaiah 9) Unto us a Child is born [first coming]... and the government shall be upon His shoulder [second coming].

Example: (Isaiah 61) The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor [first coming] and the day of vengeance of our God [second coming].

Example: (Micah 5) Out of you (Bethlehem) shall come forth to Me [first coming] the One to be Ruler in Israel [second coming].

Example: (Zechariah 9) Your King is coming to you... lowly and riding on a donkey [first coming]...His dominion shall be from sea to sea [second coming].

If the comings of the Lord are viewed as one big coming, with merely an age of grace in between them, it becomes obvious that Jesus is for all those hundreds of years the only Prophet speaking the Words of God to His people, and even to the world. All other voices that rise during the coming of the Lord that is now happening are mere distractions, and the sheep will not hear them.

Should a concern arise in someone's heart about this or that prophet, the Spirit gave us tests we can use to determine who is and who is not from God. Here are a few, in I John:

1. 2:19 Antichrists leave the fellowship of the church. "If they had been of us they would have continued with us." Islam claims to be a confirmation of the "Book" and its people, but in fact Muhammad led his people away from the church.

2. 2:22, 3:23 Antichrists deny Father and Son. "He is antichrist who denies the father and the Son." "This is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ."

Islam believes in Jesus, but not that He is the Son. They believe in "God", but not that he is a Father. They therefore deny Father and Son.

3. 3:16 Denial of the sacrifice of Jesus. "By this we know love, because he laid down His life for us." Islam denies that it was Jesus on that cross.

Though I wish not to insult or disparage or judge, the truth is that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Muhammad cannot save. His way is the way of worldly conquest. It works for awhile. But it ultimately fails. All the kingdoms of this world have come down, including what looked like Christianity in the Roman Catholic System.

Only Jesus' kingdom will prevail. It will prevail because Jesus will see to it that it does when He returns. For now His people plod on, pulling souls out of the fire here and there, bringing the salvation of God to as many as possible, waiting for Jesus' revealing, and with Him, the revealing of all the Sons of God, who will transform this planet into a totally livable and enjoyable place again.

For, and once more we have no comparison for Muhammad, Jesus is the Eternal One. He lived in eternity past and He lives in eternity present and future. He is one with the Father, just as He said. Today He is speaking to as many as will hear, among Muslims, Jews, those calling themselves Christians but who do not know Him, to come out, be separate, be filled with Him, and wait for His appearing. Can you hear His voice?

Category:  Islam

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Jesus and Muhammad: Following
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
680+ views | 190+ clicks
38. Following. Muhammad. 1.5 Billion souls. Jesus Christ. 2.1 billion souls. In both cases there are many divisions, brand names. There are lukewarm and cold and fiery hot. There are ignorant and dead. There are intelligent and alive. Those who...
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Jesus and Muhammad. Death, burial... and resurrection.
TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2021
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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36. Death and burial. In 632 A.D., Muhammad died and was buried. He was 63 years old at the time of his death. In 33 A.D., Jesus died and was buried. He was 33 years old at the time of His death. 37. Resurrection. Appearances. Ascension....
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Jesus and Muhammad on end-time events
MONDAY, JULY 12, 2021
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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35. End-time events. Muhammad claims that a Mahdi, an Islamic Caliph-like Messiah, will one day come to earth. He will reign seven years. Antichrist will pick up where he leaves off. Then Jesus will descend to lead us all in an Islamic prayer....
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Jesus and Muhammad: One True Religion
FRIDAY, JULY 9, 2021
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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32. One true religion The Koran is at times confusing because of the law of abrogation that Muhammad introduced mid-stream. That law states that Allah is permitted to change certain teachings as time goes by and as necessity demands. It is...
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Jesus and Muhammad: The Reward
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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31. The reward. "I am your reward," said Muhammad to the Medina Muslims who helped him go back to Mecca in triumph. He said this as consolation to some suddenly very resentful men, who had given their very life blood for his cause, then watched...
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Jesus and Muhammad: Anger
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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30. Anger Muhammad seems to have lived a life of anger, generated in part by a fragmented family life, but fed by a growing rejection of his religion and his very person. Perhaps one of his finest moments of anger - and anger can bring good...
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Jesus and Muhammad. The judge?
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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29. The judge. Often people would come to Muhammad asking that their problems be solved by him. Often he was glad to do so. Every dispute that was settled could only raise his star a little higher in the estimation of his growing following....
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Jesus and Muhammad, regarding sickness
MONDAY, JULY 5, 2021
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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28. Sickness. We speak it not in pride, but with joy we can announce that Jesus was never sick. He healed sicknesses, even raised the dead. But He never so much as caught a cold, according to the Scriptural record. Though sickness is on many...
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Jesus and Muhammad, regarding love.
FRIDAY, JULY 2, 2021
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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27. Love. Also mentioned above. Let me clarify. Muhammad does not seem to have operated out of love, but rather out of a desire for greatness, then the spirit of revenge. There may have been a religious thread running through it all, but the god...
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