While I was listening last week, and this week to Bro. Spradlin preaching about Steven, and his circumstances, before the mighty and powerful Sanhedrin Court; I could plainly see how many today say that they believe in God, but very few say that they believe in Jesus as the Son of God.
So many believe that all people are basically good, and seek to do good in their lives, and yet they will not proclaim the everlasting Gospel of Christ to others, and not even to their own families, for fear of upsetting someone. They do not see that the scriptures palinly explain the depravity of man, and that no man seeketh after God, and even though they may have a head knowledge of some of the Bible it usually does not include the truth of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ.
It is simple folks, Steven was ready to die for what Christ meant to him, and yet we are afraid to offend anyone, even those we know well, for fear someone won't like us. I just wonder, what they would think if Christ said in that day that they died; "Get away from me, ye worker of iniquity, for I never knew you!" And then also another scripture which says:
Mat 10:32-33 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. (33) But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
As a people we tend to think we have some sort of control over things of this world, and yet the Bible says otherwise, so why do we continue to allow people of great error against God and His Word continue to reign over us? We truly believe we are a better smarter people than those idiots of old! It is with a sad heart that I can say we do so, because our material pocessions are far more important to us than the things of God, so we vote, and act with our pocketbooks in mind, instead of being vocal and doing as we are commanded to do by the scriptures.
Just think about it, we are not that much different than those in Jesus' day, and if He returned today we would do the same thing to Him as happened the first time! The only true difference is that the next time he comes it will be in judgment; and you and I will go to hell instead of heaven?
Well, after 28 wonderful messages about King David we have come to an end of this wonderful, and eye opening study. It is said that David was a man after God's own heart; and yet David sinned and failed many times throughout his life, and yet...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Folks this weeks sermon, as we study our way through the book of Acts shows what we as Americans may soon feel; persecution at the hands of those that say they are our bothers and sisters. Those that think making a stand for Jesus Christ is not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Well, our Bible Conference was a great sucess and we are all excited and zealous to serve the Lord: And to spread the Truth of the Gospel to all of the world. This is obvious by Bro. James sermon this week from the book of Acts. And as I indicated...[ abbreviated | read entire ]