Are you looking for Reformed literature and confessions in foreign languages?
This external link takes you to a web page featuring reformed literature and especially the reformed confessions in a host of foreign languages. Rev. Angus Stewart, Ballymena, Northern Ireland, has worked diligently to put this together for internet users and for outreach purposes. Below is a list of the different language links. Click the links on this page. Rev. Stewart is also looking for translators and copies of translations in foreign languages to put up on this site.
"At various places on the CPRC website, there are links to translations of the Reformed and ecumenical creeds, pamphlets, articles, extracts from books, quotes, etc. We have over 900 articles and creeds in 97 foreign tongues (from Afrikaans to Zulu) on our Languages page."
Millions of people from all around the globe are searching the world-wide web for biblical materials every day. Are you able to help us by locating on-line any of the ecumenical creeds (Apostles', Nicene, Chalcedonian or Athanasian) or the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism or Canons of Dordt) in other languages? (This page, "The Three Forms of Unity and the Ecumenical Creeds in Various Languages," lists the creeds we already have.) Or could you translate materials from our website into other languages? Are there, for example, any of our pamphlets that you would love your fellow countrymen to read in their mother tongue? We post free books to willing and capable volunteers! E-mail Rev. Stewart (, for more details, or click here to listen to a sermon on the "Catholicity of the Church."
"... we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God" (Acts 2:11)
Probably one of the greatest threats to teenagers is the latest method of e-communication called blogging. “Blog” is short for “web log” which is an online personal diary page. Blogs have combined the technology of e-mail, live chat, and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The e-world is all around us. Many of us do not know about it. Probably, some do not even know what the “e” in e-mail stands for (it means “electronic”). But its wires cris-cross our lands, its ports of entry are found on every street, its...[ abbreviated | read entire ]