Shedding Anxiety I Peter5:7, Matthew 6:24ff, and Psalm 1:47
We live in a day and age that is characterized by anxiety. Many are worried about themselves, the direction of country, war, and many other things...mostly horizontal. We are commanded not to fill our hearts with anxiety "casting your fears upon Him" yet we find we do not dispense with our anxieties and we worry about many things and very much partake in this sin. We worry about our health, our strength, longevity, our children, and many other things while confessing God's sovereignty! We should seek the Kingdom and TRUST! Shed anxiety!
Our tendency- "Casting all your worries upon Him because He makes you His care." The futile concerns we have, the futile spirit, and the insomnia that occurs. We cannot make one hair white or black and we cannot control anything though we think often times that we can. We take our legitimate concerns and we make these things our anxiety and make them our own. Can we really change things? Can you eradicate one disease? And why are we on the verge of despair and toss and turn at night? How sinful to take the things we are dependant upon God for and take them on our shoulders and think we can change them!?!
God's command- "Cast your cares upon Him." My worries, problems, circumstances...cast them upon the Lord! The word is literally "FLING it upon Him!" Something we don't inherently do and something we must learn to do. Understand that what we can affect and humble ourselves before God who unfolds all of history. And then we can cast our cares upon God. Simple but very deep. First we must cast them upon the Lord. We bear our soul before the Lord but often get off our knees in prayer and want to take control of these same very things that we prayed about. That is NOT casting! Not a matter of informing the Lord either, but actually getting up off our knees and they are His and no longer ours! They are no longer our burdens, our worries, but they are the Lords! Trust in Him and He will make it come to pass. All of our worry is for nothing. He makes the flower grow, and He not only takes care of us, but makes our care His very own!!! All in Christ! We are entitled to the care of the our heavenly Father who is the sovereign Lord! We are HIS children and it is all in the hands of our mighty God!
Result- Leave it with the Lord and He will sufficiently supply and lead us. And we have a peace, a serenity that you can find nowhere else. Not in a bank account, insurance, or any other thing. He makes it all His concern and we have peace KNOWING He will take care of us to the very end!