Be sober and hope! Peter writes to the strangers who are saints of God scattered throughout Asia Minor. Those who had turned to Christianity who had a heavenly homeland. A similar situation today as they live among those who pursue things of little importance to us in this world. Peter puts that hope in the lives of Christians living here below. A hope that is CERTAIN without deviation or doubt! Hope Perfectly!
Peter tells us what that hope is... in this text also. The glory of Heaven and the end with our Lord Jesus Christ. A child does not anticipate a toy already in their possession, but one that he wants to acquire. The people of the Old Testament looked into the prophesies and even the angels (messengers of God) peered into them to distinguish the final coming..the realization of these very prophesies. When we loose loved ones we speak of them being in glory-the intermediate state. They are in heaven BUT it is not FINAL GLORY! We may know that they are in glory even as they continually cry out "How long O Lord." The fullness of glory with ALL of the saints is yet to come! "This is the grace of God that comes to you." The fullness of salvation given to us that we will enjoy will be revealed and uncovered to us when Christ comes again.
A matter of grace. Faith takes a hold of these things not seen. We can't even imagine what it will be like in earthly standards. The hope we have in our hearts must be PERFECT. It must be CERTAIN. FIRM. UNSHAKEABLE!!! But how do we do this? We have to gird up our loins of our mind. In the Old Testament they were dressed in long tunics. They had to gird them up and tuck them in their belts in order to perform in an activity. The word "loins" show the POWER of creation...the ability to accomplish something. We're talking about a spiritual mindset that cannot be swayed. Unshakable and decisive! How clear, solid is YOUR vision of glory? "...They were persuaded and embraced them...." How clear is our vision? Can we say we see them CLEARLY?! Are we so persuaded that nothing or no one can make us deviate or doubt? People die on their death bed with a smile on their face because they are SURE! No doubt!!! We also need to be sober. The drunk cannot walk the line as his vision is blurred. We too can be drunk on the things of this life and our vision is dulled.
Do we see it clearly without our vision blurred? Can your children stand at your death bed and say "Dad and mom believed!?!" We will never be put to shame in our hope. We WILL live with Him forevermore! Keep your eye on that incorruptible inheritance that we WILL RECIEVE FOREVERMORE!!!