Text: Gen. 17:8; Rom. 4:13; Heb. 11:8-16Speaker: Brian Borgman2/21/16[Listen or Watch]We’ve looked at the way God fulfills the Seed promise to Abraham. Now we are going to explore how God fulfills the land promise.What is the connection between Eden... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Text: Genesis 17Speaker: Brian Borgman2/14/16[Part 6: Listen or Watch][Part 7: Listen or Watch]In the morning message we examined the significance of circumcision. It points us to the new birth.In the afternoon we looked at the very pertinent... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Text: Genesis 17Speaker: Brian Borgman2/7/16[Listen or Watch]The covenant with Abraham is not only a central theme in the OT, it also receives major attention in the NT. In this message we begin a biblical-theological journey looking at the three... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Text: Luke 6:43-45Speaker: Jason Ching2/7/16[Listen or Watch]Jesus paints a simple picture to drive home a profound point: Our words reflect the state of our hearts.In two sentences or less, what is the basic point of this passage? How does this pass [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Text: Psalm 34Speaker: Brian Borgman1/31/16[Listen or Watch]This Psalm is a great encouragement to the afflicted, the frightened and those with many troubles. It is a call to cry out to our Heavenly Father, who hears and sees the pain of His... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Text: Luke 6:39-42Speaker: Jason Ching1/24/16[Listen or Watch]Jesus’s teaching brings out the importance of good leaders. He also calls his disciples to thorough self-examination before seeking to help others in their sin. What dangers result from... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Text: Luke 6:36-38Speaker: Jason Ching1/24/16[Listen or Watch]Jesus calls his disciples to show mercy and grace to others. This standard reflects what one has received in Christ.What are famous examples of God’s mercy in the Old Testament? In the... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Text: Romans 12:1-2Speaker: Brian Borgman1/17/16Part 1: [Listen or Watch]Part 2: [Listen or Watch]Romans 12:1-2 has been a classic text for new Christians to memorize because it encapsulates our response to God’s mercies.Explain why Paul urges believ [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Text: Luke 6:32-35Speaker: Jason Ching1/10/16[Listen or Watch]Christians are called to love in a way that is greater than how the world loves. Jesus encourages believers by promising them a great reward for loving like he commands. Discussion... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Text: Luke 6:29-31Speaker: Jason Ching1/10/16[Listen or Watch]Jesus' command to love enemies comes with some outrageous implications. But this outrageous love is the same type of love that Jesus showed.Discussion Questions Jesus’ illustration about o [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]