Someone once said, 'For a Christian to celebrate Halloween would be as proper as a Holocaust survivor trying to celebrate Hitler's birthday”. Yet so many believers continue to do so without considering what they are doing.Bible-believing...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Was Peter the First Pope? We, like Luther, have some questions we want answered about Roman Catholicism. Who would be better to answer them than the supposed first Pope, founder of the Roman Catholic Church, the Apostle Peter? First was he...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Fourth Key to Salvation: Only God Opens Hearts. Seeking to win a Roman Catholic is much like talking to an Orthodox Jew about the merits of boneless hams. They won't even hear you because of their culture. Roman Catholicism is a culture and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is fascinating to take a historical and Biblical look at Romanism and the Catholic Church. Today I review the normal life of a Catholic in centuries gone by and then considers the worthlessness of the relics that were idolized. Next I focus in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There are seven specific biblical reasons why I believe that Roman Catholicism is anti-biblical and also wrong. 1. The first is the mass. 2. The second is the role of Mary. 3. The third is the persistent usurpation or usurping of scriptures by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In Revelation 17 we find the collapse of the apostate world church. In the process we see Satan's harlot bride, the delusion of religion. From Eden onward Satan has been building his church. Eve was tempted and fell into sin but never joined....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In Revelation 1-3 we find Jesus as He is RIGHT NOW. He is watching us with a gaze that can help us stay on track. See Jesus like never before by joining in this study via the video, audio, or text at this link.
Let me just rehearse for you just a thumbnail sketch of where the church was when the apostles were here. The church was conquering. It was conquering the world not through social activism but through personal renewal and regeneration and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Legalism is Adding Something to the Gospel to Earn SalvationSo briefly, that introduction will tell you that the apostle Paul was quite angry because a group of people had infiltrated those Southern Galatian cities. And what they were telling...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What's holy hardware? It's all the stuff that people need to kind of feel like they're worshipping. We should be able to all trample across the street, sit in the parking lot in the middle of it, carry our chairs with us, and you should be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]