Did you know that one of the greatest events in history has an equally tragic sequel?First there was David and Goliath, when David kills Goliath in one of the greatest moments in history.But there is a horrible sequel, David and Bathsheba, when...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Remember the 1st temptation in God's Word ? Genesis 3. Let's turn there and be reminded of Satan's four spiritual flaws he tries to instill in us! The Four Spiritual Flaws: Satan is in an all out attack to make you and me Think wrongly about...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Crowns are for Christians. There are five. Will you get one? Are you saved? Do you have the crown of life? Are you soul-winning? Will you get this crown of rejoicing? Are you Spirit controlled? Will you get the unfading crown? Are you Seeking...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How do we become rich on the inside, where God sees us? The way the Lord measures wealth. James tells us it is not outward but inward. It is not material but spiritual. It is not having but giving. Jesus pointed this out in one of His most...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Do you have a Biblical Theology of wealth? God describes four types of people living in our world: rich/poor, rich/rich, poor/rich and poor/poor. By every estimation Jesus Christ would have been considered in poverty by our generation. He was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The book of James confronted the 1st church of Jerusalem's members with a call to looking at life differently. It was all about how having Christ was all they really needed! Lets look at the benefits of poverty, the Biblical causes of poverty,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sacrificial Devotion to and for Christ was the attitude that first century Christians had that made them so powerful. I think that in order to understand the words of James we have to see the background of Hebrews 11 and specifically verse 10....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scriptures are filled with the painful troubles that follow God's saints. Abraham had to leave all his loved ones and culture behind, to follow God. He wandered in the desert and lived in a tent awaiting a son whom it never seemed was going to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What did James write as the opening chapter of God's New Covenant people? Simply this, a clear and simple way of life that reflects a maturing walk of faith . As Christ was received by faith, so the way of life flowing from His presence in a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
FATHERS HAVE A BIG CHALLENGE. One of the questions I often ask men who have raised children is, "Would you do it any differently?" I listen carefully and try to learn from those ahead of me in their earthly pilgrimages. Do you know what? The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]