Scripture Reading: Psalm 24, Acts 1 Confessional Reading: Lord's Day 18 Ministry of the Word: We May Come With Joy Before Our Ascended Lord: 1. We come before one who was on earth, 2. We come before one who is now in heaven, 3. We come before one...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scripture: Titus 2:11 - 3:8 Reading: Lord's Day 26 Ministry of the Word: The Goodness and Loving Kindness of God Has Appeared in the Two-fold Washing of Baptism:1. Washed in the blood,2. Washed in the Spirit.
Text: Revelation 2: 8-11Ministry of the Word: The Lord encourages the suffering church at Smyrnaby showing her the true meaning of1. riches and poverty2. life and death
Scripture Reading: Haggai 2: 10-19Text: Haggai 2: 15-19Ministry of the Word: Consider how I will bless you!1. Consider how you fared2. Consider how the foundation is laid3. Consider what is to come
Text: Haggai 2: 3-4Ministry of the Word: The church that seems as nothing today shall befilled with glory1. The incomplete church2. The developing church3. The glorified church
Text: Haggai 1:7Ministry of the Word: Now is the time to consider your ways1. How was your time used before?2. When do you reflect upon your time?3. What are you to do with your time?