Scripture Reading: Luke 9: 18-22, 18: 31-34, 24: 1-12 Text: Luke 24: 6b-7 Ministry of the Word: Called to remember the word of Jesus 1. Once missed 2. Now confirmed
Ministry of the Word: Christ Jesus gives life to those who had utterly rejected him 1. Christ Jesus does not reject his own2. Christ Jesus receives his own3. Christ Jesus gives life to his own
Text: Luke 22: 54-62Ministry of the Word: Christ Jesus was utterly isolated as his own reject him 1. Who rejects him?2. How do they reject him?3. Why do they reject him?
Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 35-58Confessional reading: Lord's Day 22 Our Death in Christ Bring Glorious Life 1. Life wtih Christ-like hope, 2. Life with Christ-like bodies, 3. Life with Christ-like joy.
Judas betrays Christ a second time for he hasremorse and not repentance. We will see: 1. the character of this remorse2. the progression of this remorse3. the result of this remorse
Scripture reading: Genesis 1: 26-31; 3: 1-8; 5: 1-5Confessional reading: Lord's Day 3 We Are Children of Our Father1. Created in our Heavenly Father's image,2. Corrupted by our earthly father and mother,3. Being re-created into our Heavenly...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Jesus, the True Vine, Calls Us to Live United to Him. For through him: 1. Our Father has made a covenant with us (1-3)2. We bear much fruit for our Father (4-6)3. Our Father is glorified (7-8)
Text: Luke 22: 31-34 Ministry of the Word: Though shown our shortcomings in the sifting ofSimon, we may see the strength of our Saviour!1. The shortcomings of fallen man2. The sifting of man by Satan3. The strength of the Son of Man