Love Abounding More and More I. The Main Petition II. The Two-Fold Purpose III. The Only Possibility Philippians 1:9-11 1 Thessalonians 4 392, 7, 1, 35
Confessing Jesus as Lord I. His Redeeming Work II. Our All-Encompassing Service Scripture: Romans 14 Text: Lord's Day 13b Psalter Numbers: 15, 362, 383, 69
Confidence in the Preserving Work of God I. What II. Why III. To What End Scripture: Romans 8 Text: Philippians 1:6-8 Psalter Numbers: 407, 233, 385, 110
Paul's Thankfulness for the Church in PhilippiI. Thankful: For WhatII. Thankful: To WhomIII. Thankful: HowPhilippians 1Philippians 1:3-5Psalter Numbers: 134, 203, 371, 27
The Only Begotten Son of GodI. Christ's Unique SonshipII. The Believer's SonshipIII. Our Apostolic ConfessionLord's Day 13aJohn 3Psalter Numbers: 10, 336, 3, 278
Paul's Greeting to the Church in Philippi I. From a Slave of Christ II. To Saints in Christ III. With the Blessing of Christ Philippians 1:1-2 Philippians 1 Psalter Numbers: 350, 225, 125, 309
Christ: The Priest Upon the Throne I. His United Office II. His Saving Work III. His Everlasting Glory Lord's Day 12b Zechariah 6 Psalter Numbers: 408, 302, 29, 403