Epaphroditus: Nigh unto Death for the Work of ChristI. A Wonderful ExampleII. An Honorable ReceptionIII. A Merciful GodPhilippians 2:25-30Ephesians 6Psalter Numbers: 71, 370, 319, 392
The Proper Partaker of the Lord's Supper I. Sorrow for Sins II. Trust in Christ III. Desire for Holiness Lord's 30b Luke 18 Psalter Numbers: 151, 2, 384, 143
Paul's Hope to Send Timothy to Philippi I. Paul: Motivated by a Loving Concern II. Timothy: An Example of Selfless Humility III. Jesus Christ: Sovereign Over all the Plans Philippians 2:19-24 Philippians 2:19-30 Psalter Numbers: 375, 86, 50, 407