The day of the Lord is coming! 2:1-11 It is impossible to imagine what Joel now sees, but we assume it is awful enough to warrant a severe warning. Though we hear the familiar “it is near” as in the Book of Revelation, we are clued in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
History and Prophecy. The book of Joel There are two portions of Scripture that I believe need our further scrutiny on the subject of locusts. Actually the subject is Bible prophecy, a favorite of mine for sure. The first portion is the prophecy...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LOCUSTS in our Earth and in History Locusts have a locally prominent place in Scripture. You’ll see them at the beginning of the Bible story, a little past the middle, and at the end. When they show up, they take over the text, as in real...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Many of us have struggled for years over the issue of the timing of Jesus' coming. In one sense it doesn't matter, since we are to be faithful at all times. But in a more important sense it matters terrifically, since Jesus took time to tell HIs...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
BIBLE Q & A, 18: What is the “Pit” mentioned so often in the Bible? This one’s not so easy as one might suspect. Many words, a little Hebrew and Greek. Attention to context. I’m using the King James Bible and the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
BIBLE Q & A, 9 : Does the Old Testament teach life after death? There were Jews on both sides of this question. I ask it specifically about the Jews who gave us the Old Testament writings. We know these men were moved upon by the Holy Spirit,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Can a System or a series of men be “THE antichrist” (singular) ? …thinking beyond the Reformation To ask the question is to answer it. Those who like short answers will have to settle for a quick “No.” But...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Who are the “Tribulation” Saints? Without entering fully into the “Pre-trib / Post-trib” argument, let me at least advance some givens in this discussion: 1. Both Daniel (8:24, 12:10) and John (Revelation 7: 14, 16:...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Of “Gaps” For some, the idea of huge gaps in Biblical prophecy is difficult. It can be hard to explain at times, but there is no question that major breaks in the story occur in some prophecies of the Old Testament. Please open your...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
...continued from above. Be sure to finish the series in blog 4b below, or download the pdf at the sermon site. 34-50, How resurrection happens 35 But someone will say, "How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?"