To better understand 1st Samuel 22 this morning, think over the past two weeks as the stories about conditions in the New Orleans Superdome began to leak out; the descriptions boggled our senses.Think of 20,000 bodies packed into that dark,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sometimes its good to pull over and look at the map. Just to see where you are, where you're headed, and how far you have come. This morning we are on a wonderful journey finding all the sites in God's Word where Christ is our refuge. We...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The last two steps in the pathway out of the pits of life are prayer and praise. Psalm 40 shows us that praying and praising gets us through the pits.In fact if we back up through all we have seen so far—it all makes so much sense.When we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Remember where we are in God's Word—we are searching the Scriptures and finding the testimony of David that God was his refuge. We know as New Testament believers that we also are to flee to Christ as our Refuge. Where is David when he...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How does God rescue us from all the pits we fall into through life? That's what Psalm 40 is all about!David verbally says that he trusts God.Sometimes we need to break the spiritual silence in our heart by talking to God. Telling Him what we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As we open to Psalm 40, David feels all alone, abandoned and dejected. Why?In verses 1-4 we find that he was out of touch with the Lord. His life was defeated. He had yielded to sin. He had cultivated bad habits. He had allowed his...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As we open to Psalm 40, David feels all alone, abandoned and dejected. Why?In verses 1-4 we find that he was out of touch with the Lord. His life was defeated. He had yielded to sin. He had cultivated bad habits. He had allowed his...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Fleeing to Christ as our refuge works in no matter what spiritual, physical or emotional state we find ourselves in—throughout all of our lives. This morning in Psalm 40 David confesses for all the world to hear—that he has become...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Christ is our refuge we can flee to Him at any time and in any condition—and He will never turn anyone away. In a pitiful muddy mess David trudges to the Lord. Like the buddies on their way back from digging along the creek, head to toe...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Everything was going so well for so long—Goliath, worship leader for the king, warrior, king's cabinet, king's son-in-law and then everything fell apart!Christ is our Refuge—but not if we can't see His open arms.Sometimes, in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]