A few verses buried in Genesis 10 between the famous Noah and the illustrious Abraham mention a “mighty hunter” named Nimrod. So what does that have to do with antichrist? Hunters are not the caliber of men who rule empires and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Before we take a look at the candidates, we need to get his final description, so we will be able to recognize him a little more easily when he appears. What is the antichrist going to look like, the one who takes the Kingdom out of the control of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Who shall rule the world one day? Jesus, for one, and finally. Before Him comes the anti-Jesus, inhabited by the one who has been looking, for thousands of years, for the right man in which to dwell. This man must be in perfect agreement with...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
CONCLUSION, continued from yesterday's blog v. 9. Breastplates like iron. Takes us back to the helicopter/machine description. A steel – plated vehicle impenetrable by normal weapons. Have we not seen all this on the movies of horror? No not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Continued from last blog... v. 3. From the smoke, or when the smoke clears, behold, “locusts!” And the locusts are given power. Power like a scorpion has power. Painful. Dangerous. Can hurt. Can kill. And so many! Here, Joel (2:2)...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Locusts in Prophecy. Revelation 9/Joel 2. It is not an easy thing to drop down suddenly into the Book of revelation and start talking about an event John is experiencing, but we must try. So far in the book, Jesus has revealed His person to John,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
v. 12. The valley of Jehoshaphat is once again named as the location. This is not heavenly warfare. The battle has come to Earth. In time and in a place. You wanted to challenge the God of Heaven? This is your chance to prove what you have. As to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
v. 2. When God wraps up history He will make public His feelings about Israel by gathering all the nations to a final showdown. This too is spelled out in Revelation. Those who have divided up Israel improperly (as is true quite dramatically in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The final days: Spirit and ultimate judgment. 2:28-3:3 The most famous passage of Joel is this one that is quoted by Peter on the Day of Pentecost. The assumption is that the Holy Spirit gave this passage to Peter, to link what he was experiencing...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Lord offers mercy even now. 2:12-17 Utterly amazing is the grace and mercy and tenderness of the Lord. “Even now”, He is willing to forgive Judah. Remember He was willing to spare Sodom. And the northern kingdom of Israel. Any...[ abbreviated | read entire ]