Sunday Morning 9:15 AM (Eastern Time) - How May I Receive the Spirit-Applied Gospel? - 1 Corinthians 15:1-2 - (1) By careful consideration of the gospel; (2) By firm faith in the gospel; (3) By humble submission to the gospel. As always, we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday Evening 6:00 PM (Eastern Time) - The Resurrected Jesus Graciously Restores Simon - John 21:15-17 - (1) His personal relationship with Simon; (2) His calling of Simon. As always, we appreciate any feedback that you may have. Feel free to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday Morning 9:15 AM (Eastern Time) - Our Risen Lord Jesus - Luke 24:1-12 - (1) A Marvelous Disappointment; (2) A Predicted Reality; (3) A Credible Truth. As always, we appreciate any feedback that you may have. Feel free to contact us and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Good Friday Evening 7:00 PM (Eastern Time) - The Cross Finished - John 19:30 - (1) The Work of Humiliation; (2) The Wrath of God: (3) The Way to God. As always, we appreciate any feedback that you may have. Feel free to contact us and let us...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday Evening 6:00 PM (Eastern Time) - What Now, Is Deliverance Possible? - Hebrews 10:1-14 - Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 5 - (1) The Shadow of Good Things to Come; (2) The Good Thing Which Has Come. As always, we appreciate any...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday Morning 9:15 AM (Eastern Time) - Christ's Cry of Dereliction: For Sinners Like Us?! - Matthew 27:46 - (1) The profundity of His cry of dereliction: (2) The purpose behind the His cry of dereliction; (3) The love pervading His cry of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday Morning 11:00 AM (Eastern Time) - Family Living Class - How Do We Plant Biblical Convictions in Our Children? (2) As always, we appreciate any feedback that yo u may have. Feel free to contact us and let us know if you have been enjoying...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday Evening 6:00 PM (Eastern Time) - It's All About Jesus - Genisis 28:10-22: Matthew 26:39 - (1) Jacob's dream is about Jesus; (2) God's promise is to Jesus; (3) Jacob's vow reveals Jesus. As always, we appreciate any feedback that you may...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday Morning 9:15 AM (Eastern Time) - Under the Curse of the Law - Galatians 3:10-14 - Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 4 - (1) The Law's Continued Demands; (2) The Law's Constant Condemnation; (3) The Law's Incapacity of Justify; (4) The Law's...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM (Eastern Time) - Pray like Jesus in trouble's day - Luke 22:39-46 - (1) Pray with watchfulness; (2) Pray with faith; (3) Pray with submission; (4) Pray with fervency. As always, we appreciate any feedback that you may...[ abbreviated | read entire ]