Text: Titus 1:9-11 Scripture Reading: Titus 1 I. What They Are To Do II. Why This Is Necessary III. With What Encouragement Psalter Numbers: 255, 326, 298, 403
Text: Matthew 2:14,15 Scripture Reading: Matthew 2 I. The Murderous Occasion II. Divinely Preordained III. Its Great Saving Purpose Psalter Numbers: 49 , 3, 353, 376
Text: Matthew 1:18-25 Scripture Reading: Matthew 1 I. What Joseph Challenged II. What The Angel Made Clear III. Prompting A Response of Faith Psalter Numbers: 405, 14, Song of Mary, 243
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 2 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 59 I. The Divine Diagnosis II. Its Ultimate Root III. Its Dreadful Extent Psalter Numbers: 166, 390, 41, 87
Book of Ephesians Series: The Glory of the Church As Christ's Bride Text: Ephesians 4:17-19 Scripture Reading: Romans 1 I. The Gentile Mind Exposed II. What Explains This Willful Ignorance III. To What Impiety Leads Psalter Numbers: 265, 41, 21,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 1 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40 I. A Probing Question II. The Divinely Given Answer III. A Personal Confession Psalter Numbers: 55, 7, 73, 426
Book of Ephesians Series: The Glory of the Church As Christ's Bride Text: Ephesians 4:16 Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4 I. The Characteristics of That Unity II. It's One, Only Source III. Bringing Internal Benefits Psalter Numbers: 348, 403,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 52b Scripture Reading: Psalm 72 I. An Appropriate Exclamation of Faith II. God Glorifying in Content III. Ending In Sincere Confidence Psalter Numbers: 306, 41, 129, 434
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 52 Scripture Reading: James 1 I. As The Evidence of True Repentance II. That From Which We Desire to Be Kept III. Recognizing the Grace We Daily Need Psalter Numbers: 174, 335, 385, 232