Confessing The Great Three In One i. Crucial To The Christian Faith ii. Opening Our Understanding of God iii. Exalting Salvation As All Of God Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 8 Scripture: I John 4 Psalter Numbers: 320, 428, 86, 304
The Glory of the Church As Christ's Bride Imitators Of God I. What II. How III. Following Whose Example Text: Ephesians 5:1,2 Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5 Psalter Numbers: 403, 236, 14, 283 Rev. Kenneth Koole
The Faith That Alone Saves I. A Distinct Biblical Emphasis II. Rooted In True Knowledge III. Characterized by Confidence Text: Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 7 Scripture Reading: Romans 10 Psalter Numbers: 11, 391, 61, 356 Rev. Kenneth Koole
Book of Ephesians Series: The Glory Of The Church As Christ's Bride Not Bitter, But Kind i. Bitterness To Be Put Off ii. Kindness To Be Put On iii. The Incentive For So Doing Text: Ephesians 4:31,32 Scripture Reading - Ephesians 4 Psalter...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
That Which Faith Confesses I. The True Christ II. The Scripture As Gospel III. All Of Grace Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 6 Scripture: II Peter 1 Psalter Numbers: 304, 69, 230, 262
A Warning Against Coveteousness I. What Jesus Warns Against II. Why He Gives This Warning III. To What Purpose He Gives This Warning Text: Luke 13:13-21 Scripture Reading: Luke 13:1-21 Psalter Numbers: 90, 206, 378,401
Sinners Needing A Special Redeemer I. Why One Who Redeems II. Why We Can Not Provide What's Needed III. Cast Upon a Divine Wonder Work Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 5 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 59
Book of Ephesians Series: The Glory of the Church As Christ's Bride The Christian And Theft I. What's Warned Against II. Exhorted To Do What III. To Serve What Brotherly Purpose Text: Ephesians 4:28 Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4 Psalter...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Cry For Light (Lord's Supper) I. The Occasion For The Cry II. The Content Of The Cry III. Where God's Answer Leads Text: Psalm 43:3,4 Scripture Reading: Psalm 42, 43 Psalter Numbers: 116, 79, 120, 204, 280 Rev. Kenneth Koole
Book of Ephesians Series: The Glory of the Church As Christ's Bride Speech As Becometh A Christian I. What To Be Put Away II. What To Be Put On III. Having Weighty Spiritual Reason Text: Ephesians 4:29,30 Scripture Reading: James 3 Psalter...[ abbreviated | read entire ]