When I turned 36 years old (back in December 08), I remember telling my Dad that day that I really didn't feel any older than I did when I turned 30. I try to keep up a good exercise routine, eat less salts and fats, drink few sodas, etc....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As you probably know by experience, most New Year's resolutions come and go pretty quickly. Though made with good intentions, the willpower eventually gives way to old, lazy, unhealthy, and wasteful habits. I have found that to be the case in my...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today marks the 20th time I have read through the Scripture in its entirety! Every time it is a joy! This all began when I was fifteen years old and had just come to Christ. My pastor at the time, Rev. Jake Thornhill, Jr., encouraged me to read...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Several years back a controversy appeared in evangelicalism termed the "Lordship Salvation" debate. On one end of the debate stood those like John MacArthur who believes that genuine conversion only occurs when one submits to Jesus as Savior AND...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On a previous blog I wrote of how the task of preaching is a fearful endeavor. It is fearful because the preacher is to speak what "Thus says the Lord," he is held accountable by God as to whether or not he did so, and his sermon directs and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I had the enormous privilege and responsibility this past Sunday to preach the Word of God to a local body of believers. It was, as always, a high honor and the highlight of my week. The task of preaching is for me the most physically,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
To Follow or Not to Follow? That is the question, and only one's motivation can provide the right answer. One of the many true, spiritual phrases that has become overused and misapplied is the imperative, "You are not to follow a man; you are only...[ abbreviated | read entire ]