I will gather you from the peoples and assemble you out of the countries among which you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel. When they come there, they will remove all its detestable things and all its abominations from...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A real earth with real people and animals as after the creation. But no violence. Hear Isaiah: And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Devil will have his day, short though it be. After his sickly reign comes the glorious time seen by prophets and apostles and all his saints since. We’ve dubbed it the “Millennium” because of the one-thousand-year period...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The woman of Revelation 17 sits on many waters, which are many nations. But the immediate location of her seat is atop a monstrous animal, which was first introduced to John’s readers in chapter 13. We should go there if we are to understand...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
AND NOW WHERE? Daniel. Remember the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, that foretold the kingdoms of earth after him? The statue represented Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and a ten-nation confederation flowing out of Rome that would culminate in the coming of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
DOMINION THEOLOGY Some “true” believers, a growing number of them, are “Dominion Theology” folks. I’m sure it is only coincidental that the company that helped steal our major election is named “Dominion.”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Some of the Protestant folks are as false as the teachers of Romanism. Take the “prophets” of our day. How many of them told you in the name of God that Donald Trump would win the election and serve a second term? Where are they now?...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Pope must be a globalist. The Roman “church” he heads is global. Political. Catholic. The nations must be united and at peace to further Rome’s agenda. Hidden behind the Pope’s plea for charity and peace among nations...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A chorus singing the same tune. Bill Clinton "not only signed on to the idea of the ‘new world order’, but dramatically expanded the concept beyond Bush’s formulation…" says Wikipedia. After eight years of Clinton came...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Napoleon and Hitler and Stalin and Mao and all the other would-be order-makers of the world rose and fell with no final solution to man’s ills. But wait. We passed something. A kinder and gentler nation. A people destined to be great and in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]