Dr. David Murray * Pre-Service Song * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 60:1-3 Reading of the Law Scripture Reading John 3:1-12 (text vs.10) Baptism * Singing Psalter 425:4,5 Prayer * Singing Psalter 140 SERMON: Is that intentional? Singing...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Student Benjamin Hicks * Pre-Service Song Psalter 413:1 * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 190 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 140 Scripture Reading Mark 10:13-31 (text vs 17-22) Prayer * Singing Psalter 100 SERMON: The Rich Young Ruler...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Elder Wes Stryker * Pre-Service Song * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 222:1-5 Reading of the Law * Singing Psalter 333 Scripture Reading Genesis 30:25-41 Prayer * Singing Psalter 383 SERMON: The Lord keeps His promise to bless Jacob By...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor H. VanEssen * Pre-Service Song * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 393 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 141 Scripture Reading Joshua 9:1-15; 2 Sam. 21:1-3;Matt 5:33-37 (text Matt 5:33 ) Baptism Form on pg. 126 in back of Psalter *...[ abbreviated | read entire ]