Pastor H. Bergsma * Pre-Service Song * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 129:1,4,5 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 330:1,3 Scripture Reading Matthew 2:1-15 (text: vs 1-2,1) Prayer * Singing Psalter 256:3,4,5 SERMON: Be Wise! Worship Christ...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Elder Ray Pennings * Pre-Service Song God moves in a mysterious way P/H 461 * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 266 Scripture Reading: Psalm 81 (text: same) Prayer * Singing Psalter 212 (2nd tune) SERMON: A Psalm for a Feast Day – Psalm...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Elder Ray Pennings * Pre-Service Song Joy to the world! * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 226 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 1 Scripture Reading Luke 1: 26-38; Phil 2: 1-11 (text: Luke 1:31; Phil 2:7b-8) Prayer * Singing Psalter...[ abbreviated | read entire ]