Bunyan pictures the church as a beautiful palace on a hill. This lofty, elegant, extravagant picture of the church meets well with the importance God has placed on the church in our day. God is zealous about the church. Christ is zealous about the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How unsettling it is to discover that you cant trust people or things that you rely on. In this fascinating study you will see how it is that your memory really does impact your relationship with God. Memory is far from the solid, accurate, record...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Post-Conference-Glow" is a dangerous thing. I overheard a group of ladies speaking about one for their husbands who had gone to a conference and had come home transformed. Before long however, he had begun to cool down and had slipped back into...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Too Lazy to be Saved, is the term that leaps as a name for the condition of Simple, Sloth and Presumption, Formalist and Hypocrisy as they try to claim the blessings of heaven by their own rules. They argue that as long as their lives appear to be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This is certainly the most glorious theme in the universe. Christian is still struggling under his burden of consciousness of sin and guilt. It is restricting his movements and wearing him out. He soon discovers that it is through an understanding...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A nervous silence was broken for the wives and children shut up in the city when the enemy began to bash at the gates. They were helpless. Ruthless men, at any moment, would pour into their homes and destroy their good lives permanently. Being...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"In my 40 years of Christian life, I've never heard anything like this."It has taken me 10 years to preach this sermon. I find the reality of hell fearful beyond description. The Bible's teaching on hell is not taken seriously enough today. It is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear ReaderYou may have noticed that the 15 part series I have posted on Romans 1 is missing part number 12. Unfortunately, my recording device chose to fail on that day. If I have the opportunity to preach that sermon again one day, I will post...[ abbreviated | read entire ]