Influenced by this practice at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, I encourage our church members to memorize and meditate on a “Fighter Verse” each week. In light of Thanksgiving, our Fighter Verse for this week is Psalm 69:30,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Reading. It does seem in this age of gaming and entertainment that reading is becoming a pleasure of the past. Although from time to time some literature series gains a lot of attention and a segment of bookworms still remain alive and well, for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Let me first explain the phrase "dumb Sabbaths." The phrase has been attributed to the Rev. Samuel Rutherford, a Scottish Presbyterian minister of the 17th C. Rutherford is most known for a collection of his letters gathered by Andrew Bonar. These...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
My previous blog was the content of a message I shared with students: Why Would You Pray? The following is my address to the parents and students: Why Would You NOT Pray?Why would we, as parents, NOT pray FOR our students, WITH our students? And I...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I had the enormous privilege of addressing students and parents on the subject of prayer this past weekend. The following is my message to the students. I thought it might benefit us all to ask ourselves, "Why Would We Pray?"I posed the question...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The following is the rest of my "Blessings in the Trial" list. To be sure, there were hundreds of more blessings and many more lessons that could have been listed and that I will discover in days to come. However, I am thankful to have realized...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In God's gracious order of Providence over our lives, He does not lead us into times of trial and learning without providing mercies along the way to help us bear up under the load! This truth came home to me one day as I was listing lessons...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This is the rest of my "lessons" list.6. The Lord was preparing me. (2 Cor 1:4) I have blogged on this recently. I did not know it fully at the time, but being in a financial hardship and hearing of the ever-sinking economic situation, the Lord...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I have been waiting for some time to post these blogs (the next blog will be "Blessings in the Trial"). I wanted to allow the dust to settle on my experience in order to ensure a more accurate reflection. The trial I refer to in these blogs is the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There are times in our Christian journey when the Lord's will for our lives is explicitly evident. For example, there is really no choice for the believer when one option would include sin. Another example would be when we are clearly driven by a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]