Rev. Steven KeyI. The Blessed CallingII. The Fulfillment of That CallingIII. The Reason God Would Have Us Live JoyfullyScripture: Ecclesiastes 9Text: Ecclesiastes 9:9Psalter Numbers: 320, 393, 281, 360
I. Due To The Satisfaction RequiredII. Due To Creaturely InabilityIII. Due To The Qualifications of The Mediator NeededHeidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 5Scripture: Hebrews 2 Psalter Numbers: 71, 362, 111, 364
I. A Spiritual Line PreservedII. To Preserve God's WordIII. Giving The Church HopeText: Genesis 4:19 - 5:32Scripture: Genesis 5Psalter Numbers: 20, 201, 99, 246
I. His Just Demands MaintainedII. Liable To PunishmentIII. An Important KnowledgeHeidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 4Scripture: Job 34Psalter Numbers: 263, 87, 253, 242
Rev. James Slopsema I. What It IsII. How It Is ImportantIII. How It Is Taken UpScripture: Ephesians 6Text: Ephesians 6:16Psalter Numbers: 28, 20, 249, 247
I. The Significant Historical ContextII. A Most Significant Baptism By The SpiritIII. Significantly: In Connection With the Apostolic WordScripture: Acts 10:17 - 11:18Text: Acts 10:44-48Psalter Numbers: 403, 2, 358, 199
I. A Most Significant VirtueII. In An Evil AgeIII. A Testimony For Generations To FollowText: Genesis 5:24Scripture Reading: Hebrews 11Psalter Numbers: 251, 326, 90, 32
I. In Sexual ImmoralityII. Given To ViolenceIII. Written For Our InstructionText: Genesis 4:19-24Scripture Reading: Genesis 4Psalter Numbers: 263, 110, 206, 260
I. The Truth As SuchII. Defended Against DenialsIII. The Importance of This ConfessionHeidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 3, Q. & A. 8Scripture Reading: Romans 8Psalter Numbers: 419, 217, 143, 362