I. Significantly PlacedII. What Is Required of ChildrenIII. Placing a Calling Upon ParentsHeidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 39Scripture Reading: Proverbs 4Psalter Numbers: 55, 215, 89, 27
Rev. G. EriksI. The Divine Reason II. The Sinful Response III. The Powerful Lessons Text: Romans 1:19-23 Scripture Reading: Romans 1:15-32Psalter Numbers: 308, 39, 146, 15
Rev. B. Huizinga I. What is ForbiddenII. What is RequiredIII. What is the PowerScripture: Matthew 5:1-12, 38-48Text: Matthew 5:38-42Psalter Numbers: 402, 366, 198, 90
I. A Day of Enduring SignificanceII. For Spiritual EnrichmentIII. Demonstrating Where Our Heart IsHeidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 38Scripture: Jeremiah 17Psalter Numbers: 320, 328, 226, 268
I. That Of The Liberal ApostateII. That of The Moderate ChurchmenIII. That of Christ's DisciplesText: Acts 5:17-42Scripture Reading: Acts 5:13-42Psalter Numbers: 403, 253, 223, 128
I. Because of Whose Name It IsII. Because Of What Spirit It DisplaysIII. What Hope For TransgressorsHeidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 36Scripture Reading: Exodus 34Psalter Numbers: 15, 389, 41, 90