Always read the Scriptures before tackling the question... Ezekiel 47:1-12. Can this vision of water also be literal? Yes, I understand the great temptation here to depart from the literal and talk about “living water” and being only...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
And what else is going on now? The Jehovah’s Witnesses are still a financial Empire. Billions of copies of publications are distributed for a donation. That adds up. Worldwide, in 2001, there were over 6,000,000...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
1. Ezekiel 43:1-4. What is the significance of the “eastern gate”? We are led to believe here that when the Temple is first built, it does not have the glory of God in or on it. It is a beautiful structure, no doubt, and a political...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Frederick William Franz. 1977-1992 The next Watch Tower President, Frederick Franz, the lone “scholar” of the New World Translation (though officially anonymous), hailed from Covington, Kentucky. Born in 1893, he was 84 years old when...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Ezekiel 37:1-14. Show the clear proof that the vision of “dry bones” is also a Millennial promise. “Behold I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, My people; and I will bring you into the land of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Russell and Rutherford. The foundation is now laid. There will be additions and subtractions and variations and expansions, even contractions, but there it is, the organization formed by man, 1800 plus years after Jesus began His church, claiming...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Ezekiel 28:1-10. Who is being addressed in the first part of chapter 28? Who was this, historically? The leader or “prince” of Tyre may well have been Itto-Ba’al (Eth-Ba’al) II, father of the notorious Jezebel. He was a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
...continued... Final portion of Judge Rutherford's History Farewell to the cross and to many people It was Rutherford also who introduced the idea of Jesus having been crucified on an upright stake, and not on a Roman “cross.” The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Ezekiel 17: 22-24. Who is the third eagle of Ezekiel 17? After telling the parable of an eagle (Babylon) taking away Israel, planting it in a new land where it prospered, then of a second eagle (Egypt) who appealed to decadent Zedekiah to come to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
...continued from 12-21 blog... More and more power Rutherford’s star continued to rise. The time came when, to oppose him, was the same as opposing God. He in fact claimed to be the mouthpiece of Jehovah, since Russell had departed. In a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]