The unity of God’s people within a local church is a very important element. If the local church is to be effective and blessed by God the unity of the Spirit is required. Rev Ken Elliot examines the unity of God’s people under three main...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The greatest event yet to take place ! The return of our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the only Savoir and Redeemer of man. What a glorious day this will be when the Son of God shall return in all power and might. 1....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“And sitting down they watched him there” Mat 27:36 Who are the they? Who is the He? Where is the there? Why is this all happening? The they are the soldiers, The He is the Lord Jesus Christ. The there is Golgotha. This was Gods plan of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Below are basic definitions of these words. However, it is one thing to know them in you head but another to experience them in your heart. Justified: to be declared right, pardoned forgiven. Saved: to be delivered or set free form danger....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A blind and poor man hears that Jesus of Nazareth is passing his way. He believes that Jesus in the Messiah, the Son of God. He cries out to the Lord to have mercy on him. Rev Ken Elliot examines this miracle under four points 1.THE MISERY HE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Moses reminds the children of Israel how the Lord provided for them throughout their 40 years in the wilderness. On this 40th anniversary of our church’s existence in Portadown parallels are drawn from the passage. The Lord our God has been with...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A very potent and provocative question that makes us stop and think of this life in general and our life personally. Rev. Ken Elliot looks at the theme life under two heads 1. THE QUESTION THAT IS ASKED “For what is your life?” 2. THE ANSWER...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The unity of God’s people within a local church is a very important element. If the local church is to be effective and blessed by God the unity of the Spirit is required. Rev Ken Elliot examines the unity of God’s people under three main...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I asked God to take away my pain. God said, No. `It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.' I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. `Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.' I asked God to grant...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The gospel of Christ is something so thrilling and special, its content is soul stirring and life transforming. Rev Ken Elliot looks at the gospel of Christ under three points. 1. THE ESSENCES OF THE GOSPEL 2. THE FORCE THE GOSPEL POSSESS 3. THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]