I. That To Which We Are CalledII. Particularly in Our SpeechIII. Trusting God To VindicateText: I Peter 2:21-23Scripture Reading: I Peter 2Psalter Numbers: 92, 151, 13, 253(b)
I. Maintaining The Justice Of God's DemandsII. Insisting On God's Displeasure Against SinIII. Confronting Man With God's Eternal WrathHeidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 4Scripture Reading: Romans 2Psalter Numbers: 420, 68, 138, 253
I. That Which We Are Warned AgainstII. For What ReasonIII. With What IncentiveText: I Peter 2:11, 12Scripture Reading: I Peter 2Psalter Numbers: 182, 384, 41, 69
I. Due To The Depravity of Man's NatureII. Due To The Enslavement of Man's WillIII. Cast Upon An Irresistible GraceHeidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 3, Q & A 8Scripture Reading: Romans 3Psalter Numbers: 298, 110, 146, 217
I. Highly HonoredII. The Covenant Relationship In Which We StoodIII. To Be Cast Upon The Second AdamHeidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 3 (a)Scripture Reading: Psalm 8Psalter Numbers: 406, 354, 111, 14
I. By Angelic MessengersII. God's Word Of PeaceIII. Declaring Good Will to MenText: Luke 2:13,14Scripture Reading: Luke 2Psalter Numbers: 48, 3, 243, 238