Rejoice, Believer, in the Lord 1) Rejoice, believer, in the Lord, Who makes your cause His own; The hope that's built upon His Word Can ne'er be overthrown.
2) Though many foes beset your road, And feeble is your arm; Your life is hid with Christ in God Beyond the reach of harm.
3) Weak as you are, you shall not faint Or fainting shall not die! Jesus, the strength of every saint, Will aid you from on high.
4) Though sometimes unperceived by sense, Faith sees Him always near! A guide, a glory, a defense; Then what have you to fear?
5) As surely as He overcame. And triumphed once for you; So surely you that love His name, Shall in him triumph too.
Words By: John Newton Tune: Amazing Grace ***** SCRIPTURE READINGS TODAY: MORNING: John 5:1-15 EVENING: Acts 28:1-15
"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this? She saith unto Him, Yea, Lord: I believe that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world." --John 11:25-27 *****
Divine Forgiveness There is the same power with God to forgive sin as there used to be, for the blood of Jesus is as powerful to cleanse as it ever was! Note, also, that there is the same power of the Holy Spirit to change your nature as there ever was. He who turned Saul of Tarsus from an enemy into an Apostle can do just the same with you. Of old, conversion was likened to the raising of the dead, and He who has quickened many a dead soul can quicken your dead soul, and raise you from the dead! It was also called a new creation, and He who made all things new in other men can make all things new in you! -- C.H. Spurgeon *****
Only God Can Reach the Heart Men's hearts are spiritually hard. The world can win a man's heart; gold can win a man's heart; fame and popularity can win a man's heart; but there is not a minister living who can win a man's heart to God. We can reach the eye, the ear, and the head, but not the heart. --Pastor Henry Mahan *****
This Man Receiveth Sinners! "Then drew near unto Him all the publicans and sinners for to hear Him. And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This Man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them" (Luke 15:1-2).
"This Man receiveth sinners" what glorious words these are for sinners! What words of mercy, grace and hope! This Man, the man Christ Jesus receives sinners. The God-man mediator who was God incarnate in the flesh, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, receives sinners!
The religious Pharisees of the day would not receive sinners as they saw themselves above publicans and sinners; they were full of self-righteousness, vainly puffed up. They did not acknowledge that they were sinners by nature, birth and by choice. We are all sinners whether we believe it or not.
This Man, the man Christ Jesus, God in the flesh receives sinners! Marvel at this, that Christ Jesus the Lord came to die for sinners. He did not come to die for the self-righteous, who see no need for Christ, but He came to die for sinners.
These are words of comfort for sinners. The problem today is that it is hard to find sinners. In our natural minds we think other people are sinners, but if you say we are also sinners, we get easily offended. If God is working on your heart, He will show you that you are a sinner, and these very words will bring great comfort to your soul.
Know this, that when Christ died on Calvary’s tree, He died in the place of sinners. He was holy, undefiled, separate from sinners yet He dies the great Substitute before God’s law and justice in the place of sinners.
This is why we cry, "Flee to Christ!" He is the sinner’s only hope! Oh, may God show you that you are a sinner today, and may you flee to Christ the sinner’s Savior. Remember this; though we are great sinners, He is a great Savior! May God make you willing in the day of His power to flee to Christ! – Pastor Wayne Boyd