You know how when you read something and it sets your heart and mind on fire? Well that has happened to me frequently over many years, and it is often accompanied by the desire to share such reading material with others. I have found that I can...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Jeremiah 2:34 "Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these." A day of trial has come upon the whole earth. Nothing has ever been seen like this before, and yet...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Over the years I have picked up a number of wonderful Christian books which, it appears, are long out of print. I would like to read some of these aloud and to post them on Sermon Audio. One of those books is "The Apostles of the North" by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear friends, Some of you will have seen from the video posts on this channel that I was, just several days ago, working in a busy emergency department here in the Midlands of England. I have since had to leave my duties, on account of a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“Though shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” Exodus 20:16 Many reading this will already be aware of the recent court case that I was involved in, and its disturbing outcome. I was greatly helped by Christian Concern...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Genesis Under Sustained attack. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; Male and female created he them.” Genesis 1.27 Many items in the news lately have shown how the Biblical doctrine of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
That wonderful London Based organisation, Christian Concern, have placed several videos on their YouTube page, in which Peter Benjamin gives his testimony. This testimony packs a punch, and clearly Peter is doing this because he believes...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Some reading this will be aware that 10 years of so ago I was very active on Sermon Audio. My return to Sermon Audio at this time is due to the recent involvement that I have had with certain crucially important ethical issues, and a certain legal...[ abbreviated | read entire ]