The rhetoric surrounding the abortion issue can and must be simplified. Abortion is not about women's lives. It is not about women's rights. It is not about wonderful abortion providers who give a much needed service to these poor women. It...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
10 Things Every Believer in the Local Church from the Youngest to the Oldest can do toMake Christ Known 1. Pray for the salvation of unconverted friends and neighbors and family andenemies. Romans 10:1, “Brethren, my heart's desire and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I listened to a debate recently on this thesis statement: "Is the New Testament Evil?" between Christian apologist and director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, Dr. James White, and Vice President and National Communications Director for American...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Thomas Witherow published this little gem in 1856 in which he gives an excellent analysis of the concept of church government and a solid defense of biblical presbyterianism. I don't know that Witherow's masterful little book has ever been...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Thomas Brooks' classic book: Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices is available in its entirety at the following link: http ://ww w.pre achth eword .com/ books tore/ remed ies.p df Brooks' offers remarkable insight into the methods of our great...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Autonomy (self-law) vs Theonomy (God's law) – this war is in the heart of every person. Human beings are like fragile little fish that God put in a beautiful fish-bowl in the middle of a scorching-hot desert with the water just the right...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Years ago I compiled this list of the Proverbs and alphabetized them categorically. I have forwarded this to many people who have found it useful. Feel free to print, copy, distribute! PROVERBS FOR ME, MY WIFE, AND MY FAMILY
The hellish nightmare of abortion on earth must come to an end. And it must start with Christians affirming what Scripture teaches about marriage, family, and children. The fact is, most professing Christians have bought into the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Get masters of families to do their duty, and they will not only spare you a great deal of labor, but will much further the success of your labors.... You are not likely to see any general reformation, till you procure family reformation....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Jewish holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany is used constantly by believers in moral absolutes against moral relativists as perhaps the clearest example of injustice in living memory. If the wholesale murder of Jews (along with the elderly,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]