The Jewish holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany is used constantly by believers in moral absolutes against moral relativists as perhaps the clearest example of injustice in living memory. If the wholesale murder of Jews (along with the elderly, the infirm, communists, gypsies, and anyone else the Germans didn’t like the looks of) of all ages and both genders does not constitute a clear-cut example of moral evil, then moral evil does not exist in any objective sense. Regardless of one’s theoretical moral stance, hindsight is nearly always much clearer than today-sight. Germans born and raised in the milieu of Nazi doctrine regarding the master race have been interviewed many times since the end of World War II. When most people today watch such interviews and see their detached and insensitive consciences regarding the brutal treatment of Jews, they react in shock and disbelief. It seems that what Solomon’s wisdom told us long ago remains true to this day: Ecclesiastes 1:9 “That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.” Apparently, abortion is so much a way of life in our culture that the consciences of Americans have become anesthetized to feeling its horrifying weight. Sanitized and out of sight are the grizzly remains of dismembered, ripped, punctured, and broken babies. We don’t see the horror of abortion, and thus we continue to drive past, walk past, and live near abortion clinics where doctors and workers, protected by highly paid lawyers and media, are building vast amounts of wealth on the backs of dead babies and women in crisis. Defenders of abortion seems to be blissfully unaware of the fact that abortion is a mega-business that represents perhaps the ultimate exploitation of women in need. "Keep Abortion Safe and Legal" read their signs. I wonder if abortion providers can't help but shake their heads and chuckle at the fact that the individuals they abuse and take vast amounts of money from are the loudest voices defending their wicked deeds. It shouldn't surprise us. Russian prisoners in Soviet gulags apparently wept bitterly when they learned the news that their great abuser, "uncle" Joe Stalin, was dead.
The number of unique and special babies who have been killed is almost impossible to imagine. Somewhere around 50,000,000 human lives have been snuffed out before they were born just in America since June 22, 1973.
I’ve been watching Francis Schaffer’s excellent documentary on abortion and euthanasia called “Whatever Happened to the Human Race.” It was made in 1983 – 10 years after Roe V. Wade. There is a section of that documentary filmed at the Dead Sea where they scattered 1,000 baby dolls on a shallow part of the sea where salt pillars are everywhere just to give a picture of the scale of the slaughter. Dr. Koob says, “Here we have 1,000 baby dolls. Multiply what you see here by 1,000 and then multiply that by 6. That’s how many babies have died.” To see 1,000 life-size baby dolls scattered around his feet was chilling. At that point (1983), 6,000,000 babies had lost their lives through abortion. I’ve also been watching “Massacre of Innocence” by Eric Holmberg. It was produced in 1988. At that point 20,000,000 babies had lost their lives. I just recently watched “The Abortion Matrix” produced by Jay Rogers and Eric Holmberg. It just came out (2011). Now we are looking at the total loss in America through abortion of 50,000,000 people.
In spite of these shocking numbers, there is still almost universal indifference to this topic on the part of Christians. In the years following the end of abortion on demand in America (and yes, I do believe one day it will end either because of the utter destruction of this nation by its enemies, or if God’s is gracious in granting repentance to us, through legislation outlawing it), I believe a generation yet unborn is going to read about it in utter shock not so much that it went on as long as it did, but rather at how quiet and cowardly the Christian church was in fighting it. Abortion clinics will one day be American Holocaust museums where people will take tours, see pictures of dead babies, read on plaques and monuments the barbaric descriptions of how babies were murdered by the millions, and then be carried out sobbing in grief. But for us today, we blissfully continue to live, work, and engage in recreation with these abortion centers all around us.
Back at the beginning of 2011, I preached 6 sermons on the topic of abortion. Here is a link to where all 6 can be accessed in order: