Bethel Netherlands Reformed Congregation |
Pastor Pieter Van Ruitenburg | Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
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Readings: 1 Samuel 16 & Belgic Confession Article 20. Congregational Worship: Psalter 199; Psalter 396; Psalter 303; Psalter 3:2-3; Doxology (Psalter 196). |
Scripture Reading: Ten Commandments & Matthew 15:21-39. Congregational Worship: Psalter 80:1-3; Psalter 435:9; Psalter 387; Psalter 415:3 & 10; Psalter 7:3; Doxology. |
Reading: Habakkuk 3; Belgic Confession Article 18; and Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 10. Congregational Worship: Psalter 423:4; Psalter 126; Psalter 203; Psalter 439:4; Doxology (Psalter 196). |
Scripture Reading: Ten Commandments & Matthew 16. Congregational Worship: Psalter 370:1-2; Psalter 435:9; Psalter 325; Psalter 112:1 & 3; Psalter 4:3-4; Doxology. |