APRIL 12, 2020 Once again we are forced to stay in our homes on the Lord’s Day and worship through live-streaming at 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. I know this is difficult for us as we so enjoy gathering together in the fellowship of faith to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
APRIL 5, 2020 Only the Lord knows when the trial of this virus will end. So, again, because we want to try to be safe, we are asking you to stay home this morning and watch Pastor Parker preaching the messages on live-stream at 10:00 a.m. and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
MARCH 29, 2020 Again, due to the Corona virus pandemic, we are asking you to stay home this morning and watch Pastor Parker preaching the messages on live-stream at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. You can access our live-stream by going directly to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
MARCH 22, 2020 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Due to the Corona virus pandemic, we are asking you to stay home this morning and watch Pastor Parker preaching the messages on live-stream at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. You can access our live-stream by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
MARCH 15, 2020 CALL TO WORSHIP (Tune – O For A Thousand Tongues – p. 46) (Words by Gary Shepard) Is there a sinner here below, Who looks to God above? And as the object of His grace, Can sing redeeming love? Is there a soul from...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
MARCH 8, 2020 CALL TO WORSHIP (Tune – This is My Father’s World – p. 39) I bless the Christ of God, I rest on love divine, And with unfaltering lip and heart, I call the Savior mine. His cross dispels each doubt, I bury in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
MARCH 1, 2020 CALL TO WORSHIP (Tune – Jesus Calls Us – p. 374) Precious Saviour, friend of sinners We, as such, to Thee draw near; Let Thy Spirit dwell within us With that love that casts out fear. Matchless Saviour, let us know...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
FEBRUARY 23, 2020 CALL TO WORSHIP (Tune – Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus – p. 378) I see the blessed Savior uplifted on the tree; The law held Him its captive, that sinners might go free. His blood poured out in mercy — It does...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
FEBRUARY 16, 2020 CALL TO WORSHIP (Tune – O God Our Help in Ages Past – p. 10) Jesus, the Lord, My Saviour is,My Shepherd and my GodMy light, my strength, my joy, my blissAnd I His grace record Mercy and truth and righteousnessAnd...[ abbreviated | read entire ]