Reading: Proverbs 21:1; Luke 2:1-7 Text: Luke 2:4a The Roman Emperor is God's means to have Jesus born in the "City of David" 1. Why must Jesus be born in Bethlehem 2. How does God make it happen? 3. So what?
OUR PRAYERS ARE TO SEEK THE LORD'S WILL, NOT OUR OWN Text: Lord's Day 49 1. What is the will of man? 2. What is the will of the LORD? 3. How do these intersect for us?
Scripture Reading: Luke 17: 20-37, Romans 8: 18-39Confessional Reading: Lord’s Day 48Ministry of the Word:AMID BATTLE ON EARTH, WE ASK THE KING OF KINGS TOBRING HIS KINGDOM1. We ask for the king’s law2. We ask for the king’s...[ abbreviated | read entire ]