Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 1:12 – 2:74Confessional Reading: Lord’s Day 11Ministry of the Word:Who can save humanity?1. Humanity’s need for salvation2. Humanity’s search for salvation3. Humanity finding salvation
Scripture Reading: 2 JohnConfessional Reading: Lord’s Day 8Ministry of the Word:WE BELIEVE IN A GOD BEYOND UNDERSTANDING1. Is this sure knowledge if we don’t understand?2. Is this firm confidence if we don’t understand?
Scripture Reading: Exodus 10: 1-20, Deuteronomy 6Text: Exodus 10: 9Ministry of the Word:GOD USES THE EIGHTH PLAGUE TO TEACH US HIS VALUE OF CHILDREN1. The Lord values their generation2. The Lord values the next generation3. The Lord values every...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scripture Reading: Philippians 3: 1-11, Hebrews 2: 5-18Confessional Reading: Lord’s Day 5Ministry of the Word:WHO IS CAPABLE OF PAYING FOR SIN?1. The capacity of man2. The capacity of other creatures3. The capacity of God
Text - Exodus 9:1 PLAGUES COME WHEN THE PEOPLE OF GOD CANNOT SERVE HIM 1. The purpose of these plagues 2. The impact of these plagues 3. The result of these plagues