The Lord sets parents in authority over His covenant children so that those children might submit to His authority and thus have life. We'll consider: 1. The importance of parental authority 2. The excercise of parental authority 3. The goal of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scriture Reading: Rev. 19:11-21,6:1,2 Text: Rev. 19:11a Ministry of the Word CHRIST RIDES HIS WHITE HORSE IN AN ONGOING VICTORY PARADE 1. Who rides the white horse? 2. When does he ride it? 3.Why are we told?
Text : 1 Corinthians 4: 7Ministry of the Word:COUNTING OUR BLESSINGS: WHAT DO WE ALL HAVE?1. What do we have in ourselves?2. What do we have in Christ?3. What do we have for each other?
1. The law does not annul the covenant promise (15-18) 2. The law points to the covenant promise (19-20) 3. The law is not contrary to God's covenant promise (21-22)
Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 5 Text: Lords Day 31 1. There is sin in the church 2. There is authority in the church 3. There is power in the church