WE SING OF SOVEREIGN LOVE Tune to DOXOLOGY LM Words by JIM BYRD 1. Ye saints now sing of sovereign love, Unto our God who reigns above; All glory to the Trinity, Who loved us from eternity. 2. Sing of the Father’s choosing...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
CHRIST ALONE IS ALL WE NEED Tune: "COME YE THANKFUL PEOPLE COME" Words by JIM BYRD 1. Saving grace how sweet the sound, Where shall praise enough be found; Praise to tell what God has done, Praise to honor Christ the Son? Chosen...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WE GATHER TO WORSHIP Tune: I SING THE MIGHTY POWER OF GOD CM/Double Words by JIM BYRD 1. Thy work of providence O Lord, Has brought us to this place; May Thy great name now be adored, Thou Giver of free grace. â€Tis not to honor flesh that we Now...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PRAISE YE JEHOVAH TUNE TO "DOXOLOGY" LM WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. Praise ye Jehovah, praise the Lord, Sing praise to Him with one accord; Praise Him ye people of the earth, Praise God and sing His matchless worth. 2. Praise Him ye heav’nly hosts on...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE SAVIOR Tune to “BRETHREN WE HAVE MET TO WORSHIP” DOUBLE Words by JIM BYRD 1. Hallelujah praise the Savior, Son of God a Man became; He is worthy of all glory, Sing His wonders, spread His fame. ...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
BE JOYFUL CHILDREN OF THE LORD TUNE "THERE IS A FOUNTAIN" CM/DOUBLE WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. How gracious is the Lord our God, Compassionate and kind; And those who trust His promises, Will comfort in Him find. In love He purposed to bestow, Upon a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
SING OF SOVEREIGN GRACE Tune to "I LOVE THY KINGDOM LORD" SM Words by JIM BYRD 1. Come sing of sovereign grace, Ye people of the Lord; Sing of Jehovah’s matchless grace, Grace which our souls restored. 2. Christ gave Himself to die, Behold...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THE LORD’S TABLE TUNE "LOVE DIVINE" WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. God in mercy sent the Savior, From His throne to earth below; By His death and resurrection, He has conquered ev’ry foe. See Him wounded, bruised, forsaken, Sacrifice of God was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2) CHRIST GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ME TUNE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by Whose stripes ye were healed." 1 Peter 2:24) ONE SACRIFICE FOR SIN Tune to: "THERE IS A FOUNTAIN" CM/DOUBLE Words by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]