Mon 5th - Fri 9th April we are having a gospel mission in our church - please pray that the Lord's hand would be upon us - we desperately need the Holy Spirit to be at work.
These sermons look at the blight of 'Routine Religion' which is tearing the heart out of the modern church leaving it lifeless and ineffectual in many of our communities.
Listener Comment - Probably one of the best sermons Pastor Quigley has ever put online...Definitely will make any Christian think twice...Even non-Christians will want to listen to this, to see the difference between real Christianity and what...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
If you're not a Christian, delighted that you are here. God's Word can change your life for eternity. If you're a Christian, be enouraged in your pursuit of God's glory. 22/2/2009 29/8/2009 1/4/2010
'Featured Sermon' comments - "What a powerful message relevant to every professing believer!" & "Rev. Quigley, that was a huge encouragement and challenge. Thank you." 7/8/2008, 16/8/2009
What could be more important to you than the eternal salvation of your children? This sermon asks and addresses that question from the perspective of the Father.June 2009
A series of five sermons preached at the Airdrie RP Church 'Mission 2009' - The Christians said they were greatly encouraged, the unbelievers said they were really challenged!
It's one thing believing in God but actually trusting in him - well that's different. The fact is that many of us are prone to trust in ourselves when it comes to actual daily living. User Comment: "This sermon is fantastic in that it is so simple...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This sermon carefully critics Gordon Brown's present big idea namely his 'Faith in the Future'. An idea which lay at the heart of his March 4th address to the USA Congress. In this sermon Rev Quigley states why this is a real cause for despair...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Listener Says - Pastor Quigley advances ideas that are 180-degrees against a culture that prizes religion as entertainment and personal gain, and treats people as a means to an end.... Let me warn you that what this sermon says is, frankly,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]