Deuteronomy 30:19-20: “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying his...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There are some statements in Scripture that we love to either put in the too hard basket or simply skip over because we deem them less important than others. One of those statements is made by John the Baptist as he was preparing the way for the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Jesus talks to his disciples about their judgmental attitudes. He tells them that the way they judge others will come back on them when they stand before him on judgment day. In Matthew 7 we read, “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Imagine a life without wonder. Wonder is something fabulous and brings an exciting flavor to life. Wonder sometimes helps us to place higher value in its object. We wonder in beauty and value it higher than ugliness. We wonder in excellence and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Jesus is coming back. Does this statement make you nervous or joyful? If you are in Christ, you should have a joyful anticipation in confidence of a glorious eternity. I propose that your joyful anticipation will be proportionate to your readiness...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I am a Father. I love it when my son calls me, “Dad.” I loved it when I ran around the house with my daughter because she wanted to play ‘chase and tickle’ with Daddy. I miss the days of a little hand tugging on my shirt as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Christians lose freedom every time we fear something more than God. When children are most concerned with the affection of their parents, they become enslaved by that perceived need. When Parents are most concerned with gaining respect from...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This week our church comes to the end of Matthew 5. Here are some poetic reminders of the truths we have been through in this first chapter of Jesus' great sermon. I suggest you have your bible open as you read. I hope it blesses you....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is very easy for Christians to fall into the simplistic, moralistic trap as we live in a world and culture that has distorted God’s natural order. We see our culture’s approval and legalization of same-sex marriage and think we have...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I went online to look at ticket prices for Hamilton. When a live performance is done well, especially when it has historical value, I really love them. I soon realized that I didn't love them enough to spend over $300 per ticket. But there is a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]