Part of being created in the image of God means that we share common attributes with our Creator. God is loving, just, merciful, wrathful, forgiving, gracious, and the list goes on. We as humans share these attributes but we do not have the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19) If the Jewish fishermen hearing this from Jesus really thought about this statement, they may soon reflect on some unpleasant history. At the time of Assyrian ascendancy,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
One of the most famous excerpts from a modern day sermon comes from S M Lockridge who was the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in the 1950’s. You may know this sermon by the title, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin!”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When Satan was tempting Jesus in the wilderness he attempted to use Psalm 91 to lure Jesus into testing the faithfulness of God. Satan wanted Jesus to jump from the pinnacle of the temple to force God to prove his faithful love and care for his...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
If you will allow me to begin by stating the obvious, “We are Human.” I haven’t yet met an animal that can read, so if you are reading and understanding this, odds are, you are human. You are not an animal. But… How human...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
That sense of relief you get when you hear something good is the differentiating factor between news and good news. When I hear my daughter is taking a test a college, it is simply news. When I hear she passes her test at college, it becomes good...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Answer: Yes. Of course. We are all human and all open to error. If you have known anything about Dr. Piper’s ministry you have heard the term, “Christian Hedonism.” If there is anything that makes me cringe just a little, it...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
James and John wanted to take their seat beside Jesus as partners in kingdom victory. The gospels give us a view of this confusion revealed in a wide spectrum of people. The King, Herod, desires to kill Jesus as a baby because he is jealous for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“I can’t really do that, I’m an introvert.” Dictionaries basically define introverts as “shy” or “reticent” people. Those who prefer some silence and solitude rather than the company of others. On...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, he was writing to a church that was overloaded with disunity and lack of discipline. It seemed as if Corinth was a body of individuals rather than individuals operating as a united body. It is in this...[ abbreviated | read entire ]