Why do evil people seem to have less trouble than therighteous in Christ? Jeremiah asks God this veryquestion but he gets a different answer than he hadexpected.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at this under two mainsections1. THE ISSUES INVOLVED IN THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The dying thief on the cross cries out somethingamazing to the Lord. A short but powerful prayer fromthe heart, thus settling his eternal destination.Rev. Ken Elliott looks ate this prayer under fourheadings1. ITS SETTING2. ITS SOURCE3. ITS...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There are many prayers in the bible the shortest justfew seconds while the longest just 7 minutes.Habakkuk prayer is examined and there is muchteaching for us in it.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at this prayer under 3 mainsections1. ITS CHARACTERShort...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Just a normal day, a women goes to a well to fetchwater but meets her Savoir and receives this livingwaters of everlasring life.Rev Ken Elliott looks at this under three mainheadings1. THE MEETING SHE HAD2. THE MESSAGE SHE HEARD3. THE MIRACLE SHE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God the father placed a curtain of darkness aroundhis Son as the sins of his people were placed uponChrist and the Father turned away from His Son as hebecame sin.Rev Ken Elliott looks at this darkness under threemain headings1. ITS STRANGENESS2....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Yes the Lord cursed some people, people who wereneeded for the battle but refused to answer His call.They just stayed at home and did nothing.Rev Ken Elliott looks at his under four mainheadings.1. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF IT2. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Great salvation, not of works or of man but by thegrace of God. A free gift that only needs to bereceived. There is nothing like in the world, nothingeven comes close. What a salvation!Rev. Ken Elliot looks at this under four mainheadings1. THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Mans quest is to live for ever but he can never do italone He needs God. God is the only life giver andthe only eternal life giver too.Rev. Ken Elliot looks at this under three mainheadings1. THE ESSENCES OF IT2. THE EXCELLENCE OF IT3. THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The scenes of the crucifixion represent Hell. TheLord has gone through this so those who believe inHim will never have to taste Hell.Those that reject the Lord and His offer ofsalvation must face God then Hell.Rev David Park looks at these scenes...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Relationships are very important but the mostimportant relationship of all is that with the Lord.Caleb was a man who had a close relationship with theLord, it was said that he wholly followed after theLord.Mr. James Curran looks at this under four...[ abbreviated | read entire ]