The Lord Jesus Christ is not only our Prophet andKing but is also our Priest. His actions as ourPriest is two fold, His finished work the sacrificeof Himself for our sin on the cross and Hiscontinuing intercessory work as our great HighPriest.Rev....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Lord Jesus Christ is not only our Prophet andKing but is also our Priest. His actions as ourPriest is two fold, His finished work the sacrificeof Himself for our sin on the cross and Hiscontinuing intercessory work as our great HighPriest.Rev....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God hath not promised skies always blue,Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;God hath not promised sun without rain,Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.But God hath promised strength for the day,Rest for the labor, light for the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Manasseh did some wicked and vile things, he totallywhen against the Lord and His laws. Because of theseabominations the Lord give him over to his enemiesbut in his tragedy Manasseh turned to the Lord inrepentance and faith.Rev. Ken Elliot looks...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Praise the Lord there is a way to God and a way backto Him too. Jesus Christ the Lord has opened up theway.Mr. Noel Shields looks at this under six headings.1. A PECULIAR WAY2. A PRECIOUS WAY3. A PARTICULAR WAY4. A PROTECTIVE WAY5. A PLAIN WAY6. A...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What a mighty gospel promise from the Lord, a greatstatement of truth and assurance to the whosoever.Rev Ken Elliott looks at this in five main points1. WHAT A MYSTERY2. WHAT A COMPANY3. WHAT A CERTAINTY4. WHAT A RESPONSIBILITY5. WHAT SIMPLICITY
We shall all live and we shall all die, it so true.By contrast the day of our birth is known (e.g. byparents) but the day of our death is unknown. It issaid that the old must die but the young may die.Mr. Noel Shields looks at this statement under...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Only a crumb from the Master’s table was her plea,what humility and faith from this Canaanite woman.Mr. Noel Shields looks at this under five differentheadings.1. THE CRISIS IN HER LIFE2. THE CRY FROM HER LIPS3. THE CONDUCT OF THE LORD4. THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Samson was a mighty man of God, full of God’sstrength and power. He achieved great thing for theLord but he fell, fell to sin and suffered at itshands.Rev. Ken Elliott looks are his downfall under threeheadings.1. THE TRACING OF HIS...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The time between the Lord’s crucifixion and Hisscourging it examined at the special communionservice. It particular, what our Lord experienced atthe hands of the roman soldier in the common hall.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at the Lord's ordeal...[ abbreviated | read entire ]