Clues for a long wait for the coming of Jesus are in the Scriptures . Peter (II Peter 3:3) says that in the last days people will scoff, saying, “Where is the promise of His coming?” That is, it has been a long time....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We continue our series of Ezekiel studies with PART TWO, Portrayals, Parables, and Proverbs. God used Ezekiel in a VERY unique series of communications. Read about it here...
IMMINENCE ‘"Jesus could come at any time." I know what the people who say this mean, but we must take objection to that statement as it stands. In fact, Heaven has a day circled on the Heavenly Calendar when Jesus must come. [Acts 17:31,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Continued from last blog... Is literal Israel involved in all this? Yes, I believe they are! But have we been grafted into the tree called Israel? (Romans 11:17-21) Yes we have! Our fates intertwine. The disciples asked for a sign, and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
About Matthew 24 In order for pre-tribulation teachers to get around the clear teaching of Matthew 24, they will have to assume that this chapter is written to and about someone else. They will have to say that this subject is for Jews only, and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Laying the Foundation We can only build where the Lord built. Solomon said in Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” Any doctrine not firmly supported by a word from God will fall, regardless...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
above, a picture of C I Scofield who popularized the pretrib theory in "his" Bible. continued from last blog, regarding church history mentions of a "pretrib" rapture... Margaret MacDonald. So far we have a fourth-century hermit and a Bible...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here's a picture of one called "St" Ephrem... we'll see what he had to say in the fourth century. That's a long way from Christ's stay here, and from us today... Looking through HISTORY for a pretribulation rapture... What have God’s people...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Basics Let’s define what we are going to be discussing. 1. Rapture. What do we mean, first of all, by the term “rapture” ? In my opinion, the term itself, not found in the Bible, is part of the problem we are having to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The rise of antichrist will be made possible when there is an atmosphere on earth that is so foreign to the things of God that he will be welcome. Paul calls it in II Thessalonians 2:3, the “falling away” and here he uses a word from...[ abbreviated | read entire ]