A CHOSEN RACE Tune to "COMPLETE IN THEE" LM/CHORUS Words by JIM BYRD 1. Way back in old eternity, In council of the Trinity; To save a people God agreed, His saving purpose was decreed. CHORUS: O praise the Lord His Name adore, Give Him the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
FREE AND SOVEREIGN GRACE Tune "THERE IS A FOUNTAIN FILLED WITH BLOOD" CM/DOUBLE Words by JIM BYRD 1. ‘Twas sovereign grace that fixed on us, To save a chosen race; The blessings that abound to us, To grace alone we trace. ‘Twas grace that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We often pursue, with earnestness and anxiety, those things which, if we could obtain them, would greatly harm, if not destroy us. Often, too, with a rash and blind impatience, we struggle to avoid or escape those difficulties which God sees fit...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS Tune to "AT CALVARY" W/CHORUS Words by JIM BYRD 1. Son of God, one of the trinity, Joined to man, O what a mystery; Came to earth by covenant decree. O praise His Name! Chorus: Jesus died for all His family,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THANKFULNESS FOR GRACE Tune: "Am I a Soldier of the Cross?" CM Words by JIM BYRD 1. To Thee Almighty Lord of all, This joyous song I raise; ‘Tis with a truly thankful heart, I sing Thy worthy praise. 2. Creation, what a wondrous work, Reveals...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I FIND MY REST IN CHRIST TUNE: "SALVATION BY GRACE" SM/DOUBLE WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. O what a mystery, Descending from His throne; The Son of God comes down to earth, To seek and save His own. ‘Twas not for righteous souls, That He a Man became;...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
BEHOLD THE GRACE OF GOD Tune to "THIS IS MY FATHER’S WORLD" SM/DOUBLE Words by JIM BYRD 1. How could a holy God, Whose glory we extol; Forgive and justify the lost, Rescue and make us whole? For sins against His law, Cannot unpunished go; But...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PRAISE THE GOD OF GRACE Tune to: "DOXOLOGY" LM Words by: JIM BYRD 1. Praise ye the God of sovereign grace, Who chose a people from our race; Gave us to Christ our Surety, Way back in old eternity. 2. Prostrate yourself before the Lord, May He...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PRAISE THE GREAT SAVIOR Tune to: "MORE ABOUT JESUS" Words by JIM BYRD 1. Praise the great Savior, praise His name, Jesus Who down from heaven came; God in His mercy sent His Son, Christ on this earth the Holy One. CHORUS: Praise, praise the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WE BEGIN ANOTHER YEAR TUNE TO: FROM EVERY STORMY WIND LM WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. With humble hearts we gather here, And so begin another year; Another year, to us obscure, Lord, by Thy grace we shall endure. 2. To us the future is unknown, But...[ abbreviated | read entire ]