Rev. C. Schouls Scripture Zechariah 9: 1-11; Rev. 19: 11-16 Text : Zechariah 9:9 The Advent of Zion’s King The Promise of His Coming The Person Who is coming The Manner of His coming
Pastor VanderMeyden Scripture Luke 1: 57-80 Text : Luke 1:78 God’s Mercy in the Coming of the Day Spring The Fulfillment of Prophecy The Recipients of His Coming The Manner of His...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor VanderMeyden – Lord’s SupperScripture : Jeremiah 31: 1-20Text: Jeremiah 31: 18-20The New Covenant – How it is Realized1. Promised by God.2. Fulfilled by Christ3. Applied by the Holy Spirit
Scripture Reading: Luke 15:11-32 Sermon Text: Luke 15: 25-32 Sermon Theme: The Elder Brother Syndrome 1. The diagnosis 2. The damage 3. The deliverance
Rev. P. VanderMeyden – Preparatory Service Scripture : Jeremiah 31: 1-20 Text: Jeremiah 31: 18-20 A Repentance that the Lord Hears The Urgent Need for it The Personal Experience of it The Lord’s Assuring Response...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor P. VanderMeyden Scripture : Psalm 135 Heidelberg Catechism L.D. 47 “Hallowed Be Thy Name” By Knowing Thee By Praising Thy Works By Living to Thy Honour
Rev. C. PronkScripture: Hosea 11Text: Hosea 11: 8,9Jehovah’s Dilemma with Regard to His Sinful People1. The deep emotions conveyed by this dilemma2. The difficult questions raised by this dilemma3. The glorious gospel revealed by this dilemma