Rev. P. VanderMeyden Scripture: Acts 2:1-13, 34-47 Text: Acts 2:27b The Lord Adding to the Church 1. To What He adds 2. Who does the adding 3. Whom He adds 4. How He adds 5. The result of His adding
FROM THE PASTOR “The Lord Adding” What a privilege it is to experience the Lord’s work continuing in the history of the Church, in particular, by means of moving men and women – whether young, middle-aged or old – to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Candidate Marty SlingerlandScripture: Psalm 37Text: Psalm 37:3-5How to be at Rest in Difficult Times1. Trust in the Lord2. Delight in the Lord3. Commit to the Lord
Rev. P. VanderMeydenScripture: Acts 1:1-26Text: Acts 1:14The Church Between Ascension and Pentecost1. A Gathered Church2. A Praying Church3. A Waiting Church4. A Harmonious Church
FROM THE PASTOR “Wait in Jerusalem” In connection with the promise of the Holy Spirit, Jesus gave specific instruction to His disciples as to what they should do between His Ascension and Pentecost. "Behold, I send the Promise of My...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
FROM THE PASTOR “Do You Respect Your Spiritual Mother?” Have you ever heard someone call the Church a spiritual “mother?” Where does this come from in Church history? In the 3rd century AD, Cyprian of Carthage...[ abbreviated | read entire ]