10am 'The Puritan Doctrine of Sin' Dr Iain D Campbell 11-11.30 Coffee Break 11.30-12.30 Common Grace 1' Rev Achille Blaize 12.30-1.30 Lunch Bring your own 1.30-2.30 Biography of Thomas Shepard' Dr Iain D Campbell...
The Spirit of the Puritans Bible Conference 2010 Speakers Dr Joel Beeke Dr Joseph Pipa 10-11am 'Puritans and the Christian Sabbath' - Joseph Pipa 11-11.30 Break 11,30-12.30 'Puritans and the Family' Joel Beeke...
Reformation Month Whiteabbey Congregational Church Sun 6th Sept 1130 am 'Peter the Reformer' 6.30pm 'Moses the Reformer' Sun 13th Sept 11.30 am 'Paul the Reformer' 6.30pm 'Jeremiah the Reformer' Sun 20th Sept 11.30...
Philip Bell CMI director, speaker and author wil speak at this event on this subject , which confronts the modern arguments put forward for Darwinian evolution in the 21st cent. An up to date apologetic. Time 7.30pm...
The Spirit of the Puritans Bible Conference 2009 Speakers Professor Edward Donnelly and Pastor Geoff Thomas 10am 'The Puritans and the Human Condition'- Geoff Thomas 11.30am-12.30pm 'Restore Us Again 1 (Psalm 85)'...
Take Heed MinistriesSpecial Meeting | Islam and Christianiy, The Emerging Church
WED 10/1/08 to 10/2/08 | EVENT PAST
Special Take Heed Meetings Speaker= Cecil Andrews of 'Take Heed Ministries' Wed 1 Oct 8pm 'Christianity and Islam' Thurs 2nd Oct 8pm ' Christianity and the Emerging Church ' Tea and coffee after each meeting all...
6.30pm Special outreach Sunday evening services on answering big questions from the Bible. Speaking is Rev Paul Dowling Tea and coffee served after services All Welcome
What Can Christians learn From the Puritans? 10am 'Introduction to the Putitans' - Stuart Olyott 11.30am 'The Puritans handling Depression' - Geoff Thomas 12.30-1.30 Lunch - Bring your own ,Tea and Coffee provided...